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不同意客户降价邮件回复,外贸 客户下订单后 原材料降价,客户要求降价,如何抓住客户的心?

6933 人参与  2022年09月30日 17:58  分类 : 新媒体运营  评论

外贸生涯中,经常会遇到客户下完订单后涨价或降价的问题, 尤其是目前由于疫情 战争 贸易摩擦等不确定因素的影响下,这种现象更加的频繁。



Hi Harris,

Ni Hao ma?

We have heard that there’s a massive decrease with the prices of steel in China.

And as we are continuing this relationship for such a long time, we want to have some support in the pricing from your side.

Considering we have been partners and we’ve been doing orders from your company,

We&#;re hoping you can give us your best price on the steel products.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


Dear Mia

Good day!

Yes, the raw material decrease RMB/Ton, you are very professional on it.

As a long-cooperated partner we must support you for every order, but we had pay the raw material cost to raw material factory when we confirm orders. My friend, i think that‘s the charm of the business that no one knows whether its will decrease or increase tomorrow exactly. What we can do the best is that we buy items at the bottom section.

My friend, If you have enough orders i think you can buy it now for stock, surely we can delivery it for you as your demand. Only you buy the goods at the bottom section then you can have a good competition with your competitors. So if you agree with it, you can send your inquiry to me lets update the best price for you.

Waiting for your kindly reply!

Best regards!


不同意客户降价邮件回复,外贸 客户下订单后 原材料降价,客户要求降价,如何抓住客户的心?-百度竞价优化_微商推广_今日头条自媒体_新媒体运营_剑谦网络


不同意客户降价邮件回复,外贸 客户下订单后 原材料降价,客户要求降价,如何抓住客户的心?-百度竞价优化_微商推广_今日头条自媒体_新媒体运营_剑谦网络


不同意客户降价邮件回复,外贸 客户下订单后 原材料降价,客户要求降价,如何抓住客户的心?-百度竞价优化_微商推广_今日头条自媒体_新媒体运营_剑谦网络


  1. 共情客户 肯定客户

  2. 表面自己的立场 共情客户 和客户站在统一战线上

  3. 帮助客户解决目前的困境(方案)

  4. 要新订单





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